Currently Reading Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh The Epistles of Horace by Horace * * * * * Finished Reading Moonbound by Robin Sloan The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl Doctor Thorne by Anthony Trollope The First Tycoon by T.J. Stiles Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold Brothers in Arms by Lois McMaster Bujold Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold by The Free World by Louis Menand Arcadia by Tom Stoppard Pru and Me by Timothy West Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin What W. H. Auden Can Do for You by Alexander McCall Smith The Great Good Place by Ray Oldenburg The Pub by Pete Brown First Impressions by David J. Weber The Death of Sir Martin Malprelate by Adam Roberts The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald Cocktail Time by P. G. Wodehouse That Hideous Strength by C S Lewis The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World by Lewis Hyde Perelandra (Scribner Classics) by C.S. Lewis True Grit by Charles Portis Leave it to Psmith by Pelham Grenville Wodehouse Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis The Walk by deBuys The Language of the Game by Laurent Dubois The Suitcase Clone by Robin Sloan Sourdough by Robin Sloan Ajax Penumbra 1969 by Robin Sloan Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson