White Purple Christmas

Tietze Park - 15 Dec 2024, 10 am, Dallas, Texas

(That’s Jupiter, I think.)
A nice appreciation of Dallas' Republic National Bank building. I enjoyed working there for many years.

Smilax (or bindweed or greenbrier, among many other names). It covers everything, and its roots reach down to hell. But, once a year for about a week, it puts out pretty purple flowers. So it’s got that going for it. Which is nice.

Photo: Constance Jaeggi (a tip of the Hatlo Hat to @ayjay)
Across the Alley in the Golden Hour

Dallas got hit by 80 mph winds yesterday. Not surprisingly, lots of homes, ~630,000, lost power, ours included. But almost exactly 12 hours later, our lights were back on. I think that’s an impressive response. Thank you to the men and women who did that!
Late May at the Arboretum

Triangle Bed, May Day

Coreopsis doing their thing; purple salvia spikes in the background.

1942 📷

Lee Harvey's, Dallas. Tx
Downtown Dallas, Texas USA

Really lovely paintings. “Spanish Light: Sorolla in American Collections” through January 7, 2024, Meadows Museum, SMU Campus, Dallas, Texas - Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (Spanish, 1863–1923) 🎨