Hard to imagine a sweeter time than the Sunday afternoon between Christmas and New Year listening to “My Bar’s Jukebox” and enjoying local IPAs in the backyard on a sunny 67(F)-degree day with my associate.


If I ever open a pub, “The Dog and Water” might be in the running for a name. 🐶

Trout Mountain, 06.18.2024, 5:58 am /
“Ya' comin?”
Oak Leaf Hydrangea
More sweet life.
The Sweet Life
As an adult, my family has had three dogs. Sweet, sweet Maggie (officially, Margaret Rose) was the first.Early Maggie (and early kids):
Late Maggie:
Morning, Archie (Morning Archie)

My Highest and Best Use

- Archie.
- My leg.
Archie Daffodil
After an illness, walking the dog | Jane Kenyon
Wet things smell stronger, and I suppose his main regret is that he can sniff just one at a time. In a frenzy of delight he runs way up the sandy road— scored by freshets after five days of rain. Every pebble gleams, every leaf. When I whistle he halts abruptly and steps in a circle, swings his extravagant tail. The he rolls and rubs his muzzle in a particular place, while the drizzle falls without cease, and Queen Anne’s lace and Goldenrod bend low. The top of the logging road stands open and light. Another day, before hunting starts, we’ll see how far it goes, leaving word first at home. The footing is ambiguous. Soaked and muddy, the dog drops, panting, and looks up with what amounts to a grin. It’s so good to be uphill with him, nicely winded, and looking down on the pond. A sound commences in my left ear like the sound of the sea in a shell; a downward, vertiginous drag comes with it. Time to head home. I wait until we’re nearly out to the main road to put him back on the leash, and he —the designated optimist— imagines to the end that he is free.
Christmas scenes 2023
handsome archie

If I were to open a pub, perhaps it would be "The Lamb & Puppy."

Archie’s binky. 🐶📷
Less is more; Not.
Per my true love (via Robt. Venturi), "Less is a bore." Archie (and I) like it!
🐶 📷
archie's world

Pals or, maybe, Frenemies

love this photo 🐶

Chairman Archie presiding 🐶

“The meeting will come to order.”
Watch out for that dino-dragon, Archie!