• Slow Food
    Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato Sandwich in 3 parts.

    I started making ths BLT a bit less than six months ago. (At least the “T”.)

  • A thesis: “When considering faith, it’s helpful to ask, ‘Is this right?’ or ‘Is this good?,’ as a way to discover ‘Is this true?'” (None of this is new; but it’s stuff I like to work out in writing.)

    Consider this analogy: When we think about entering into a relationship, say a marriage (but it could be a friendship or even, taking a job at a company), we don’t ask, “Is this step true?” We ask, “Could this step be good? Could this be right?"* And we only discover the answer after we’ve (1) committed to the relationship and (2) lived out that commitment over time. (See Leslie Newbigin’s reading of Michael Polyani for more.)

    This knowledge of the goodness or rightness of a relationship through lived experience would typically be seen as subjective knowledge. But, turning now to faith, let’s not discount experience. If a lot of other people, living over the course of centuries and in a range of families, countries, and cultures, also experience that the relationship with God is good and right, doesn’t that suggest the goodness or rightness are reliable, even if they’re known subjectively? (Is that one reason why Christians live their faith in community, in a “cloud of witnesses”?)*

    Moreover, even in a one-to-one relationship, such as a marriage, i.e., Megan’s and my marriage, I am pretty confident in knowing that our marriage is good, though it sounds weird(ish) to say, “Our marriage is true." And like a marriage, our experience of faith probably changes over time (and, one hopes, grows). It’s not static.

    Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” so truth is crucial. But, because the modern era tends to subject truth claims to the scientific method (or something like it), I think formulating faith in terms of what’s good and right is an important way we discover what’s true.

    • By “good” and “right,” I mean not only “good for me”, but also, “fit, apt, appropriate, etc.” for a purpose (which requires knowing the purpose), and also “imbued with an inherent goodness and rightness” that transcends my personal benefit and, even, the aptness for a purpose.

    • Of course, other faiths can make the same claim, so this isn’t a support for Christianity, per se; it’s just an argument for shared experience being some evidence of a possible truth.

  • Listening to “Bridge Over Troubled Water” approximately 54 years after the first time I heard it in my bedroom in a house that, as of last week, no longer exists.

  • Shadows of trees against the side of a garage.
  • We’ve long known that Donald Trump is a de facto criminal. Today, it’s de jure, too.
    That matters for the country’s foundational principles. But will it matter to the incredibly thin slice of undecided voters in the swing states?

  • Tagging this “theater” hoping others will chime in. I’ve not studied contemporary theater exhaustively (an understatement!). But, in my uninformed opinion, Tom Stoppard is the great playwright writing in English in the last 50 years, and Arcadia is his masterpiece. Care to discuss/dispute? 🎭

  • Dallas got hit by 80 mph winds yesterday. Not surprisingly, lots of homes, ~630,000, lost power, ours included. But almost exactly 12 hours later, our lights were back on. I think that’s an impressive response. Thank you to the men and women who did that!

  • a group of people on a blanket in a parkan old, gnarled live oak treemagnolia blossomhammocks beneath a tree in a parkLooking through a Japanese stone lantern in a parkKoi fish in a ponda light orange and pink rosepurple vitex treesa pink hibiscus blossomgreen bushes and a stormy skya fountain in a parka rabbit
    The Dallas Arboretum
  • Writing is solving one problem and then the next. It’s like building a house. Once you start, you have to finish… If you hired an architect and a year later you said, “What happened?” And he said, ‘I don’t know, I was blocked.’ You’d say, ‘What?!’

  • Unripe green tomatoes on the vine.
  • D. Wayne Lucas: “Watch out; he’s not gonna quit.” A fun Preakness. A beautiful horse, with 2,570 owners!

    <img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/5736/2024/seize.jpg" width=“600” height=“337” alt=“Preakness Stakes racehorse winner, “Seize the Grey”">

  • Maybe not like bookends (per Paul Simon). Still, 54 years of friendship in this photo.

    Two older men.
  • Micro.blog seems to be amazingly promising in creating an online “third place,” where a community can flourish. But an IRL third place is crucial. Here’s a good article on how that can work (or not).

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